I went to the zoo a week ago and there were many things I have never seen. I went on a gondola ride which was very creepy, it was very steep and long, over 4 kilometers long. It was the first time I've been on a gondola and I was a bit nervous, but I got used to it at the end. At first i was so scared that i was grabbing onto the handrails so tight that my muscles were white. Then my mom offered me to play teeter on her new htc phone. Although i was still scared it helped me maintain my cool. The gondola was not hooked on a wire though. It is snapped on to it.
When we finally got to the zoo, I was so happy not to be so high up. The first thing we went to saw were penguins. The funniest thing is that there was one named jackass.LOL. The next was a lesser panda. It is a raccoon and a panda fused together but it was lesser. There were real pandas alright but nothing i enjoyed. They were slumped there sleeping the day off. The very last thing to do was that we saw this funny drink producing machine. It would drop down a cup then fill it with whatever drink there was on the menu. But it only gave half a cup:(
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
New Fans and the Nice Story of Fanville
This story is based on my fans and I. lol
One hot sunny day where the rivers were sparkling as the sun was setting. There was the peaceful town of Fanville. There were many fans in Fanville, but the problem was that there was a greedy, selfish king. There were two peasant friends that were kind and friendly and helped each other. Their names were Doraemon (a.k.a. 哆啦a夢)and Panda. One day a wise, kind giant saw that the king was greedy, selfish and took from other people to add to his own wealth. So the giant thought of a splendid, excellent idea. The giant asked the king if they could have a contest to make some other two people to be king. Which two in the greatest friendship and heart. The king had neither so he cheated to win. The giant saw this act and he was eliminated. As the contest went on the king thought of another idea. If he could split two couples no one would win and he would still be king. He cheated and cheated until he was going to cheat on the peasants. But no one could split them for they were the best of friends. So the king had one piece of gold which he put on the ground in front of the peasants. The peasants took it and was going to buy two things of exact value with it. When the king saw this act he finally understood that friendship and sharing is important. So at the very end the peasants, Doraemon and Panda won the title as king which they shared happily together. And the giant left the town with a big smile on his face, knowing that he helped a town rebuild itself to a new and better glory.
These two fans are the fans i have right now. Doraemon (哆啦a夢) is a fan bought at 7-11 after you have ten stickers.
Panda is a solar-powered fan with shades and a picture of pandas on the outside.
One hot sunny day where the rivers were sparkling as the sun was setting. There was the peaceful town of Fanville. There were many fans in Fanville, but the problem was that there was a greedy, selfish king. There were two peasant friends that were kind and friendly and helped each other. Their names were Doraemon (a.k.a. 哆啦a夢)and Panda. One day a wise, kind giant saw that the king was greedy, selfish and took from other people to add to his own wealth. So the giant thought of a splendid, excellent idea. The giant asked the king if they could have a contest to make some other two people to be king. Which two in the greatest friendship and heart. The king had neither so he cheated to win. The giant saw this act and he was eliminated. As the contest went on the king thought of another idea. If he could split two couples no one would win and he would still be king. He cheated and cheated until he was going to cheat on the peasants. But no one could split them for they were the best of friends. So the king had one piece of gold which he put on the ground in front of the peasants. The peasants took it and was going to buy two things of exact value with it. When the king saw this act he finally understood that friendship and sharing is important. So at the very end the peasants, Doraemon and Panda won the title as king which they shared happily together. And the giant left the town with a big smile on his face, knowing that he helped a town rebuild itself to a new and better glory.
These two fans are the fans i have right now. Doraemon (哆啦a夢) is a fan bought at 7-11 after you have ten stickers.
Panda is a solar-powered fan with shades and a picture of pandas on the outside.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Miscellaneous Stuff
http://sendables.jibjab.com/view/PjTAGsm8urI2kM23 rate this in comments
This is the game i am playing on the computer if you play please use the server shadow castle and tell me your name in the game on a comment.
last but not least my xbox game
This is the game i am playing on the computer if you play please use the server shadow castle and tell me your name in the game on a comment.
last but not least my xbox game
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tae Kwon Do
I started taking Tae Kwon Do lessons a few months ago, as my parents wanted me to get used to the teaching environment here in Taiwan. I loved it, really enjoyed my ninety minute classes. I had my first advance exam last week and passed with flying colors, so I am yellow belt right now and I am really excited to get yellow-blue belt. I love Tae Kwon Do but my mom couldn't find any suitable classes back in LA. So now I am really excited to finally learn the arts of Tae Kwon Do. At first I was really impatient to upgrade to yellow belt, but now i am on yellow belt! But what I really want to get is black belt. The highest you can get is black belt so I am looking forward to it! Although getting to black belt will take maybe 2-4 years. But still I'll work hard and keep training until I achieve it.
This is my assistant-coach and I |
This is me, wearing my new yellow belt |
Monday, May 16, 2011
Taiwanese farm
On Monday I went to a Taiwanese farm. It was an amazing adventure and I had a great time! The first thing that we did was dig for earthworms. I didn't dig any because I hate bugs. My friend Frank found, caught a scissor beetle and was going to raise it as a pet! It was really weird and there were pray mantises, spiders, ants and much much more in the area where they dug for earthworms! The next thing was catching shrimp! It was extremely hard. It was harder than when I first imagined it to be. I caught zero at first. I was really upset and i didn't want to catch any again. :(, Afterward i ate instant noodles. My friends and I went down to the same place that we caught the shrimp, the river. I heard that we were going to catch fish so I was very excited. When the preparations were done I wanted to try first. Unfortunately, my mom came down with me and said I should see them do it first before I tried. I was way too excited to wait so i got angry at my mom. While I was waiting I heard a splash and saw that the fish bait had dropped into the water. It was funny and disappointing at the same time, but the person who accidentally dropped it had started crying and she went back up first. I finally had the chance to try, but the problem was that there weren't any fishes in the river this season. I was really disappointed, so I went back to catch shrimps. The good thing was that this time I tried catching shrimp, I really did catch some. The bad thing was that on the way back i got scratched by plants and it was quite big. My mom did some work and dug out vegetables to eat. The amazing thing that they did with the vegetables was that they put it together with chicken to cook. When it was ready, it tasted so good. It was really juicy, tender and the skin was crunchy. Plus they used the vegetables to wrap it around the chicken. At the very end, my parents and I planted a kiwi tree in the garden. It was a spectacular trip and I wish to come again soon.
Here's a short video of me in action: click here (remember to check out my short video in youtube!!)
Here's a short video of me in action: click here (remember to check out my short video in youtube!!)
My parents and I plant a kiwi tree |
A watermelon with yellow inside instead of red. |
My dad and my friends' dads are drinking wine |
I am exploring the farm |
My friends' mom and my mom dug out vegetables |
The leaves for the chicken |
The process of putting spices and leaves into the chicken |
I am sitting with a little kid that just hit me |
My friend Leo is eating the yellow watermelon |
Tender, juicy chicken.....Yummy |
Sunday, May 1, 2011
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the fourth book of Fablehaven. |
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