Friday, July 8, 2011

Science Mueseum

My friends and I went to the science museum. The first thing we were doing was going to buy a movie ticket. I don't know why but at soon after my mom said that we shouldn't. We went to the children section of the museum where there were these things like lego. I made a fish while my two other friends made a tree and a dog. Meanwhile, my friends' mom (auntie Mendy) went to check around and found a shop full of airplanes. The airplanes were made of styrofoam but flew pretty well. The shopkeeper told us we could take them out to play because there was more space. Unfortunately, I accidentally threw the plane to an unreachable place. The shopkeeper says it was okay. So I went back to the inside of the store. Then my friend threw the airplane onto the top of a light. The problem was that it was stuck there. So my friend paid the money and cried a bit. Then my mom bought an egg for me. If you put the egg in water it was supposed to crack and then a baby dinosaur comes out. You let it stay in water then it would grow. My friend wanted this preserved beetle, and it was really disgusting. Then he saw this really disgusting thing. It was a pigeon sliced in half so you could see the inside of it. At the end of the say My mom, dad and I went to this night market and then went home.

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